FireFly chimney sensor is new and smart technology for safer and more optimal wood stove burning. Here you can read more about the value it will give you as a private person as a resident in your municipality.
Safe and efficient firing with a sensor in the chimney!
FireFly pipesensor er ny og smart teknologi for tryggere og mer optimal fyring. Her kan du lese mer om hva dette vil bety for deg som privatperson å få en sensor i pipa.
Trygg og effektiv fyring med sensor i pipa!

This is a small measuring device that is mounted at the top of the chimney to measure temperature and provide knowledge-based insight. Temperature data is sent to a cloud-based solution where it is collated with other relevant data such as type of hearth and chimney, length of chimney and weather conditions.
The sensor is small and discreet, and is mounted on the chimney. From the black box, a wire with the temperature sensor itself is pulled down into the pipe. The sensors are powered by a built-in battery with a lifespan of +10 years.
What is a chimney sensor?
* The solution requires logging in with assigned access and password. Read more

Every year, many house and cottage owners experience that the pipe starts to catch fire
Reduced risk of developing a soot fire provides increased security for you and your family, and for material values. One goal of the chimney sensor, beyond notifying when it occurs, is to prevent and prevent soot fires from occurring.
Increased safety

A fire occurs when soot and unburnt waste from smoke get stuck in the pipe and are ignited by high temperature and flames. The more often you fire, the more soot is deposited in the chimney, but the amount and type of soot depends on several factors. Today, many chimneys are swept just as often, regardless of whether the homeowner fires a lot or a little, wrongly or rightly. In addition, the fire prevention officers often have to physically go up on the roof to check whether there is a need for sweeping. This is poorly targeted, poor HSE, and thus an inappropriate use of resources.
Knowledge-based data from the solution will give the fire prevention officers a much better basis for assessing when there is a need to sweep each individual chimney. This makes it possible to carry out more targeted and effective fire prevention, such as more frequent sweeping of chimneys with high combustion activity, rather than chimneys that are more or less not in use.
A cleaner pipe reduces the risk of soot fire!

Knowledge and insight will turn you into a firing expert!
Optimal firing contributes to increased safety and better energy utilization!
Find out more about My Chimney
Privacy and processing of firing data is very important to many, including to us as the supplier of the solution. We therefore want you to know how these are processed.
How are your data processed?

All collected data is managed with care and the service takes care of all aspects of privacy and GDPR guidelines.
Both airMont as a supplier and the municipalities as customers are both responsible for the collected data being processed correctly and in accordance with current regulations.
Collected data can only be used to make a risk assessment, calculate the need for sweeping, prevent pipe fires, and as a basis for advice to homeowners. In the long term, collected data can also be used to warn of an increased risk of soot fires.
The process is fully automated and the municipality/fire prevention officers will not be able to see data relating to which date or time of day the fire is lit. A layoff is linked without time to the month in which the layoff was carried out.
The solution is closed and requires login with assigned access and password.
How we fire has a lot to say for optimal utilization of wood, which is an important renewable resource, but it is also of importance for safety and the environment. Many pipes overheat and soot far more than necessary due to improper firing. This can be detected with the help of chimney monitoring, which gives fire prevention officers insight into statistical firing patterns and any temperature changes in the individual chimney. This is useful knowledge that can be used for targeted guidance for safe and efficient wood burning.
Knowledge and insight will turn you into a firing expert
Help for more optimal firing!
Other Q&A`s
Norway: An agreement on the installation of pipe sensors is made with the individual municipality or fire service. The sensors are installed by experts, usually during sweeping visit. Residents will be informed by the fire service department when it is time to install a sensor on their chimney.
How to order a Chimney Sensor?
If you have had a sensor installed in the pipe or received information about installing this, and you have questions, contact the municipality or the fire service department. We at airMont can be contacted if you have technical questions related to the sensor.
Sensor related questions?
Norway: It is the municipalities that enter into an agreement with airMont about chimney monitoring, and who pay for the solution.
How much does it cost?

Knowledge-based data that can be obtained from the chimney sensors is very valuable and useful insight that can contribute to more targeted and effective fire prevention, increased safety and a better environment.