In his beloved electric car, and with the hair weld in place, Karl Magnus takes care of the employees, manages accounts and budgets, investors and stakeholders. He happily stands up to talk about airMont, the environment and a sustainable future.
Karl-Magnus Haugen

A cheerful and exuberant young lady who spreads around with good humour and candy. Finds joy in everything, and especially marketing, logistics and production.
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Ingunn Fristad

With Vans on his feet and a synth in his bag, Henning storms in and makes a splash in the office. At the weekend, you can meet him - preferably on stage or at the football pitch. He is often out and creates engagement with new and old customers, making sure we make our products customer fit.
Head of Culture & Engagement / Product Manager
Henning Skogh

With her positive nature and experience from communication, sales and design, Aimée takes control of the our marketing and adds color to our graphical elements and to the web.
Head of Sales
Kristian Borring Hansen

Bjørn-Olav envisions the large design that is necessary for our state-of-the-art platform. Architect, programmer, visionary, father of five, outdoorsman by day and food connoisseur by night.
Software System Architect /
Data Protection Officer
Bjørn Olav Sagen

Jørund is responsible for the user interface and trusts everything from MUI. "DDD" or "domain, Domain, DOMAIN" he says, extolling the benefits of this high commitment software design approach. He spends a lot of time acquiring new knowledge and new tools, both privately and at work.
Senior Frontend Architect
Jørund Vier Skriubakken

In addition to perhaps being Halden's only active water polo player, Espen is our man at A.I. and analysis. He structures and organizes our work processes to the nth degree before grinding some particularly rare imported coffee and keeps our machine learning in order.
Senior Software Engineer
Espen Arnesen

Dawid spends as much time in the hardware lab as in his greenhouse and in the gym."PPPPP" - Prototyping, Push, Pull and Planting Plants is something that repeats itself. The body is a temple, and Dawid's temple is well kept. Norway's toughest engineer, his colleagues will probably claim, and a real Gyro Gearloose.
Hardware Responsible / Project Engineer
Dawid Kuleczko

With her positive nature and experience from communication, sales and design, Aimée takes control of the our marketing and adds color to our graphical elements and to the web.
Marketing &
Digital Design
Aimée Kjølerbakken

Meet our talented employees who are passionate about developing digital solutions to transform public services for you, local communities, the city and citizens
Team airMont
The board
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We are a growing company and are constantly looking for new resources and talents that can enrich and strengthen our team. If you are looking for new challenges and opportunities, and think you have the skills to fit into our team, we would love to hear from you.